Nursing is a tough gig isn’t it? 

Providing care to others often means we are constantly extending ourselves, placing our needs way down the list. Even though we have a wealth of knowledge, expertise and abilities how much do we really value all we bring? When we don’t value our gifts it makes it harder to care well for our selves.

I have been there: feeling disillusioned with nursing, disgruntled with the workload, discouraged with the system.

I knew there had to be another way and I decided to find one in 2004. I was sick of feeling tired, worn-out, wondering how I could care for patients when I felt so depleted. I knew I wasn’t just depleted physically, sensing that was more a symptom of deep emotional exhaustion. I felt sucked dry. I knew something had to change or I would need to find another profession.

I found a new way and am passionate about assisting other nurses to find a find their way. Finding my new way with a mentor included identifying my strengths, valuing my unique abilities, accepting myself and most importantly learning how to be centred, grounded and present in more moments. Learning how to calm and sooth my emotions by acknowledging what I’m feeling allows me not to be at the mercy of my surroundings. Responding rather than reacting is empowering. I learnt to relate in new ways.

I feel privileged to walk beside other nurses as they take the journey into effective self - care discovering the innate knowing that resides within us all.

What do you need to heal and nurture you?
I have more than 30 years experience in nursing, originally training as a general nurse and then in mental health, where I spent most of my career. I have recent management and education positions including many years in forensic hospital settings.

I love working with nurses exploring ways to take responsibility for our own health, recognizing and caring for all we are; as a physical, emotional, thinking and spiritual being. Caring for ourselves in this holistic sense improves all our relationships as we bring the best of ourselves to our interactions with others. Striving to provide the best care possible for our patients is dependent on how well we first care for ourselves.

I continue to be inspired by the commitment and hearts of those I work with.

Contact me today on 0405 506 486 to discuss how I can assist you with mentoring, clinical supervision or coaching in person, via Zoom, Skype or phone

Nursing by Heart


Book cover - Nursing By HeartMy book Nursing by Heart is available now.

Nursing by Heart explores my personal and professional journey discovering truly effective self-care and the profound impact this has had on my life. Each chapter explores a key component with examples from my life, giving activities and tools for readers to experience core self-care techniques that are simple, effective and transformational.

My book draws on ancient wisdom to create new possibilities for all nurses currently practising and struggling with carer fatigue, and encourages empowerment by teaching energy management, allowing the reader to take responsibility for their health, as physical, emotional, thinking and spiritual beings.

I am a registered nurse with extensive experience in mental health and am passionate about empowering nurses. I operate my own business CoreTrue supporting others professional and personal development with facilitation, clinical supervision, coaching and mentoring, drawing from my own experience of nursing frustration and exhaustion.

UK: Available on Paperback or Kindle at Amazon.

US: Available on Paperback or eBook at Barnes & Noble.

Australia: Order a signed copy for $25 (that includes postage in Australia), through the paypal link below. If you prefer to pay by direct debit please email me.



Recommendations and appreciation for Nursing by Heart

So empowering!  Definitely a must read book for everyone.
Of all the nursing books (or any book) I've bought and read, Julie's book has been the only book that I wish I had and read during my early nursing years. A gold-mine of invaluable information.
Thank you Julie :)
PS:  Such a thoughtful gift idea x

Yvette Demsey - Nurse Manager


Julie Skinner's book, Nursing by Heart, could not have come to me at a better time as I was just finishing my degree in nursing and as my student days grew to a close and my hospital training days grew longer I found I was giving more and more of myself in the care of others and finding myself not just physically but emotionally drained at the end of each day. As a nurse, it is in our nature to put others care before our own and as a student nurse we are never taught that caring for ourselves is essential if we want be the best nurses we can. I am very thankful that Julie has created a practical and heartfelt guide to help others understand this and I know that I will continue to refer to her book over the years to remind myself of the importance of self-care as I progress through my nursing journey.

Rosie Waldron - RN - Graduate program


This book distils the author’s 30 years of professional learning and personal experiences in various nursing roles into a slim, accessible guide to the self-care techniques that had a profound effect on her own journey. The book takes a holistic approach to underpin the need for self-care to be effective and sustainable. Chapters explore values, truths, expectations, limiting perspectives and embracing courage and endurance to overcome resistance. Praised by reviewers for its honesty and gentleness, this book is an excellent read for all who may be feeling detached, burnt out or dissatisfied.

New South Wales Nurses Association - November 2015 issue


What a refreshing, insightful exploration of how to care for yourself as a nurse.
This book engages you from the first page through to the last. The gentleness of the author is felt throughout, with her own experiences and suggestions. So often we can be helping others and forget how to help ourselves. This book is a great reminder of the great adventures that can be missed by not self-caring. This is a must read text for all nurses, but especially for future nurses.

Kerry Mawson - RN, Lecturer Nursing


For me this book really gets to the core of how we can care for others and ourselves simultaneously in what are often very challenging environments. We often assume we do this in our caring / nursing / health professional roles but this is not necessarily so, this book is a good reflection of where we can support and nurture ourselves more. For those that are open to trying something new, having a go, trying the practical tools imparted and heeding the wise words shared in this book, one might find a new approach and well of energy for the self and therefore for other. Caring roles in health are so complex and the more we can become aware of ourselves the bigger the space we can provide for others to heal and care for themselves. This book provides a reflection and some tools to begin a journey that will nurture the relationship with ourselves and with those we care for in a way that is sustaining and providing of opportunities to heal and grow.

Sarah Bucklar - New Paradigm Consultant Dementia Services


I just wanted to let you know of the impact your book Nursing by Heart, reading through your journey, has provided me. As a nurse for 30 years, I have always opened myself completely (spiritually) to patients and family and friends. I am now learning to be disciplined about using my energy. I am already finding greater clarity and purpose in my communications, less fatigue with the outcomes for others remain positive. Thank you for this great thought leadership and for me a great reveal about working for the benefit of all, which must include self first. I appreciate the effort you have made and am grateful for the sharing of such life changing treasures.

Kate Thwaites - Registered Nurse, Mental Health Nurse. Clinical Advisor, Clinical Supervisor


Excellent read, its not common for Nurses to be acknowledged, we carry out a unique role and rarely take care of ourselves. This book is strong reminder of the need to have good self care in order for us to carry our many tasks. Thank you Julie, this is open and honest book that made me stop and re think my professional practice. This really should be part of every Student Nurses reading requirements, as self care needs to be embedded in our practice from the onset.

Deb Mole - Credentialed Mental Health Nurse, Clinical Supervisor


This is a great read with something to offer all who care for others. Nursing by Heart offers tools we can find within ourselves to nurture “self” and create awareness of our place in the world. Julie’s book gives Nurses “permission” to make self-care a priority and allows a more centered, energetic perspective from which to work. Julie has given Nurses permission to care for ourselves in our everyday practice and relates her own journey to self-care in this very real and generous work.

Thank you Julie

Jo Burton - RN, Nurse Practitioner


I came across this book recently at a time of great change in my nursing career. I had previously met Julie in the arena of Clinical Supervision and was curious about about what this quietly spoken, grounded and respectful guide had to say. So glad I did! For a small book it had a big impact, encouraging me to enjoy the process happening in my professional life at the time.
A small book written simply, with clarity not only about ideas but offering practical ways of applying concepts within.
I found it innovative, energising, stimulating and at times challenging. Julie presents a holistic approach to underpin the need for self-care to be effective and sustainable. She uses both personal and professional reflections throughout the text to highlight, clarify and encourage possibilities for choosing new ways of engaging as a human being and within the profession.
I am reminded of how valuable it is to have a sense of 'being understood' in relationship as, throughout 'Nursing By Heart...', I felt here was someone who really knew about the stresses of 'the nurse' both 'at the bedside' and 'managerial positions' as well as with pioneering endeavours. Each chapter is interspersed with suggestions and mindful exercises to encourage more than a cerebral experience.
Whether you are a nurse or simply curious about how you might also enter into transformational self-care, I would encourage you to read it.

Bernadette Towner - Principal Bamboo Mind Consulting, Clinical Supervisor, Counsellor/Psychotherapist, RN CMHN 


Excellent read. So many people out there need to really understand what Julie shares. So many big hearted people working in the healing areas just don't understand how their energy interacts with those in their care. This is one of those books that really could change your life for the better.

Michael King - CEO Cosmois Mentoring Centre


I have started reading Julie's great book. It is very timely for me personally and professionally. It is very honest and reflective and develops new ways (with an new age flavour) to self care and work in the best possible way for yourself, colleagues and those you care for at work.
It is not just for nurses and for less than $8 what are you waiting for. This is two coffees for a such great thought, help and re focusing.
Isn't time to do something different to refresh, to renew to review to re nourish and charge up the batteries for another go.

James Mabbutt -  Clinical Nurse Consultant, Clinical Supervisor, RN, lover of land, oceans & early morning dips


I love the authors wisdom, insight, and personal journey into self-care, and the places we can explore from within and how this affects our relationships. While this is written for nurses, I feel we are all carers in some way and the book is helpful for anyone wanting to get to the heart of caring for our most important relationship...the one with ourselves. With all the pages I've highlighted, this easy to read book will be a reference guide for me for sure!

Nina Hart - Coach, Mentor, Self Esteem workshop facilitation


I had been pondering the notion of compassion for patients' suffering and whether or not the 'profession of nursing' had lost its capacity to be compassionate giving the pressures nurses are facing today. Then I found Julie's book. In 'Nursing by Heart' Julie once again, or perhaps for the first time introduces us to the 'voice of the spirit in ourselves and our patients'. She uses the paradigm of person centredness and provides us with tools and practices so that we may be more grounded in the present and feeling without judgement. Subsequently we find new ways of communicating and engaging with our patients (showing compassion). This is a challenging book but it also a reflective and restorative book. I am proud to know that it has been written by a nurse for nurses but I believe the concepts in the book will resonate with all who work in the 'caring' professions.

Anne Walsh - Clinical Nurse Consultant


Nursing By Heart gave me a lot of practical tools I can use day-to-day in my job as a teacher (so its also great for other caring or service professions too). These tools have really helped me to manage my energy more effectively, so I am more energized at work. I loved how a lot of ancient wisdom was woven into it as well. It really reminded me that I have to put myself first and that has helped so much. I love how she spoke openly about her obstacles and how she overcame them in such a vulnerable way and that helped me to have the courage to dig deeper within myself. This is a must read for nurses...but I recommend it for teachers as well. Its so down -to- earth yet goes so deep at the same time! This is one of those books that I'll keep coming back to as a reminder for myself.

Indra Keliuotis - Teacher, Coach, Mentor


With the ever increasing complexities of modern healthcare, Julie's book comes as a breath of fresh air and hope. Her experience and understanding guides you through the pages to a place of regeneration and a fresh outlook...a wonderful book

Trish Lenan - Nurse Educator, RN, Artist


Nursing  by heart  is informative, inspirational and transformational with a tool box. As a a private  counsellor & life coach I found deep insights and tools for life in every aspect is of the highest quality and include teachings on energy and how we are impacted by this, how to clear unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors as a daily practice.  Wrapping oneself in love and truth, as a heart mind knowing.  Julie shares personal  challenges. I found her experiences brave, raw, real. To expose one's  own  vulnerability requires courage,  and a deep inner  knowing of your own emotional  landscape.  Nursing by heart is a professional  and personal  bible for developing and expanding self awareness, in relational exchanges experienced in the workplace and personal attachments.  Julie is true to her heart and reaches the hearts of her audience. I found guidance in her exercises for embracing life with a more trusting and open heart. Connecting to the source of love within, it was truly nourishing. This book completes its reader.

Nicola  Burton - Counsellor & Life Coach in private practice, Counsellor for a Not for Profit organization


A MUST READ For Nurses and well... all those in carer roles. You know who you are! With every page I can feel the angst and frustration of feeling alone in a huge institutionalized system dissolving and solutions are revealed. So many layers are opened up- simply, practically, and with much humility and grace. I am not alone. As a long time professional carer and holistic healer now working as a nurse, I am so grateful for this "guide" to support my heart in holding the knowing, while deepening my understanding and dismantling my biases. Thank you to this author for her ability to take me deeper into my self awareness, for her insights and the work she has done to carve a path of hope and possibility for new doors to open in how nurses practice- actually, it feels like Nursing by Heart has a way of transforming whatever obstacles come up, (no matter how cemented in place) into more love. I have more true joy in myself as I work. - I hope this becomes part of the mandatory competencies!!

Marguerite Carney - Massage Therapist, Registered Nurse in training


I loved Nursing By Heart, and feel that it is a 'must read' for anyone in a service, healthcare or healing profession. It contains so many gems of wisdom and practical knowledge to help us be better at what we do, to help us give from the heart without giving out. Nursing By Heart is simple, clear and unique in that it focuses on ways to respect, heal and honor ourselves and others in the work environment. It contains many wonderful examples that are easy to relate to and apply in our own lives. I highly recommend it.

Arlene Cohen Miller - CEO Jewel Consultancy, Coach, Mentor


I have started to read Julie's book for the second time. If you value self-care the book is a great reminder to get reinvigorated with it. The Health Industry can be harsh on the individual leading to burn-out, disinterest and other unwanted monsters. Julie's call for balance is needed and nurturing. Otherwise, I know Julie and have worked with her and have always been touched by her thoughtfulness, balance and warmth. A must read!!

Paul Spurr - Nurse Manager, Founder & Owner Paul Spurr Consultancy training Clinical Supervisors


Nursing by Heart is a lovely, open and practical book for nurses and really anyone in the caring profession. You can feel Julie's writing is from her heart, a place where she holds her own experience of self care and the whole nursing profession very dear.

Patti McBain - Founder & Owner Transgensis School of Yoga


Julie Skinner has addressed a very lacking topic in the caring profession that is crucial for the health and well-being of those who serve humanity in this capacity. This book is a very useful resource and will most probably end up being an important text book in the many courses that teach those who spend their lives caring for others. It's long overdue.

Jenny Parker - Founder & Owner Heartforce, Mentor, Coach



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